Fighting Away From Home: Travel Tips For the Jiujiteiro

Jiu-Jitsu and travel are always together. A good example could be when Mitsuyo Maeda traveled from Japan to Brazil. Nowadays, is common to find a BJJ competitor, competing out from the tropical weather of Rio de Janeiro to the dry desert of Las Vegas.

Texiera and Jules in NYC
Texiera and Jules in NYC

Jiu-Jitsu and travel are always together. A good example could be when Mitsuyo Maeda traveled from Japan to Brazil. Nowadays, is common to find a BJJ competitor, competing out from the tropical weather of Rio de Janeiro to the dry desert of Las Vegas. It’s a huge change that can affect your performance. Competing away from home it’s an art. And you need to pay attention to some important details that can help you succeed in your adventure. Here are five:

1 – Acclimation

Make sure to arrive at least a full 24hrs prior to your competition. If you are traveling somewhere different from your time zone, you will probably need to arrive more than 1 day before your match. Let your body adjust to the new time, new weather, new habits, etc.

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