Just Breathe
What do Rickson Gracie, the Mayo Clinic, Bruce Banner, and yogis all have in common? They all recognize the importance of breathing patterns in your health and well-being.

What do Rickson Gracie, the Mayo Clinic, Bruce Banner, and yogis all have in common? They all recognize the importance of breathing patterns in your health and well-being. Breathing is one of the very few autonomic body functions that you can consciously control to an appreciable extent. Learning to effectively control your breath is purported to offer a wide-range of benefits. It’s worth noting that at some point in your life the majority of you abandoned diaphragmatic breathing and learned to chest breath. In this article we’ll look at these types of breathing. How are they different? Why do we breathe the way that we do? What are the benefits of diaphragmatic breathing and how do you successfully incorporate it into your life?