Joint Supplements 2.0
Joint supplements have become very popular, especially in recent years with the discovery of some new ingredients, but with popularity comes criticism and scrutiny. There have been mixed reviews surrounding joint supplements for as long as they have been around. Everything from “they don’t do anything” to “they work miracles” has been reported. While there is an abundance of supporting research, critics claim the studies were poorly conducted or that results were not very significant. To make things even more complicated, a lot of studies show mixed results; improvements in certain areas, but not others or improvements in certain groups, but not in other groups.
So what’s with all the complexity and confusion? The reason it’s complex is because joints themselves are very complex. Joint pain is a fairly vague term and could have a multitude of causes. These can include: overuse, trauma, disease, inflammation, imbalances, scar tissue, etc. Most joint supplements are designed to aide with certain specific processes inside the joint, but if your joint issue isn’t due to that process, then that supplement may not help or only help a little. Basically, if you have a ton of scar tissue in your knee, some glucosamine isn’t going to magically clear it up. However, if your knee joint is slowly deteriorating and causing you pain, glucosamine may help. Another important thing to note is that joints have notoriously poor blood flow. Because of this they have poor nutrient delivery, which means joint supplements have a hard time actually getting to the joint. It takes some time for them to actually get into the joints and get to levels that may be beneficial. Most people make two very common mistakes: they do not take them daily or they only take them for a few weeks and then stop. The optimal results and findings in the research have come from the longer studies, with the greatest results coming around the three-month mark. So, if you are going to take joint supplements, make sure to take them consistently and for a period of two to three months to see greatest benefits.
Inflammation is one of the biggest enemies of joint health. When joints get inflamed, they become stiff, sore and lose function. Chronic joint inflammation can cause arthritis and joint degradation. Inflammation is a natural response of the body to injury, overuse, or strain. While some inflammation is good for healing, too much inflammation or long-term inflammation can cause tremendous damage to joints. Hmm, can you think of anything that may cause continuous injury, strain, or overuse of joints? I mean, the premise of jiu-jitsu is literally to attack joints! So as you can imagine, we are at risk for chronic joint inflammation. Managing this inflammation then becomes a key for maintaining healthy joints. The most important components of reducing chronic inflammation are hydration and a healthy diet. Be sure you are drinking enough water daily. The minimum, and I repeat MINIMUM, you should be drinking is half your bodyweight in ounces. On training days you should aim to consume an extra 20-30 ounces per hour of training. A healthy balanced diet will also help reduce chronic inflammation. Avoiding overly processed foods and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables are the keys here. Omega-3s also play a huge role in keeping inflammation in check. Try to consume as much omega-3s in your diet as possible, but I also recommend supplementing with 1-2 grams of fish oil daily. If you would like to keep your supplements plant-based then one of the many turmeric powder uses is to help with inflammation so that could also be of use to you. A new supplement, undenatured type II collagen, may also help with joint inflammation.
Undenatured Type II Collagen
Collagen supplements are fairly new and usually come in two forms. Hydrolyzed collagen used to be the most popular form with claims to skin health as well as joint health. However, recently a new form of undenatured type II collagen has been growing in popularity for its joint health benefits. Although still in its infancy, the research shows a lot of promise. This is partly due to a potential autoimmune component. Unlike glucosamine and other common joint supplements, undenatured type II collagen contains molecular regions called epitopes. Epitopes are immune system markers that interact with certain antibodies to trigger the deactivation of collagen-specific killer T-cells. This can then help disable the inflammatory process. This suggests that undenatured type II collagen may help reduce the incidence and severity of arthritis. And since we know that joint physiology during exercise follows these same processes, it is believed it will help restore joint function and relieve discomfort in athletes. Type II collagen has also been shown to increase range of motion in joints, as well as reduce cartilage degradation and so far the science supports it. One study showed a significant increase in range of motion and a significant decrease in joint pain and discomfort in healthy individuals. In fact, numerous other studies have been confirming and showing numerous benefits of undenatured type II collagen for joint health. Most importantly, clinical studies have shown undenatured type II collagen to be safe and tolerable in humans. So what does all this mean for you? It means undenatured type II collagen may just be one of the best things for preventing joint degradation. It is definitely worth trying. The most effective dosage so far appears to be 40mg daily.
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Glucosamine Sulfate
Glucosamine is probably the most common, popular and studied joint supplement there is. Glucosamine works differently than type II collagen. While type II collagen has more of an autoimmune and inflammation component, glucosamine works directly on cartilage. Before understanding how glucosamine works, we must first must know the basics of how our joints work and more importantly, how our cartilage works. Cartilage is the main component of our joints. It acts as a buffer or padding between bones to allow for free and easy movement. While many people think of cartilage as permanent or unchanging, this is not the case. Cartilage has a turnover rate, although its ability to regenerate is very small. However, this regeneration is critical in maintaining joint function and health. One of the key components in cartilage regeneration is glucosamine. It is responsible for producing the most important components of the extracellular matrix of cartilage and the synovial fluid outside of collagen itself. Glucosamine production is also considered the rate-limiting step in glycosaminoglycan synthesis. This means that the amount of glucosamine present is directly related to the joint’s ability to produce building blocks for regeneration. There is an abundance of studies showing the joint improving because of the benefits of glucosamine. These studies consistently show positive results and it seems the most prominent effect of glucosamine is preventing joint degradation. However, exactly how much of an effect it has is still up for debate. Basically, we know it works, it’s just a question of how much it works. As jiu-jitsu athletes, anything that helps with joints is a definite must. The most effective dosages are between 1500 and 3000 mgs daily.
Jiu-jitsu is extremely rough on joints and therefore, you should take extra care of them. Your joints are a depreciating commodity. Proper injury prevention and rehabbing are a must. Joint supplements can definitely help with joint health, but like anything else, they are supplements and not magic pills. They will not “fix” your joints. They can however, slow down the degradation process and help your joints last longer. But remember, nothing will fix a popped elbow besides tapping in time. Safe training!